So tiny and sweet and new.
baby yuna
the sweetest little yunacorn and her pretty this next one, yuna's happy place...
baby yawns are pretty much the cutest thing ever.
all edited with my Childs Play Photoshop Actions
Stick 'em Up Melbourne!
In June I am going to go and stay in Vic, AU with my friend Kate Berry! And we are going to run Stick ‘Em Up sessions - These are mini sessions, run in an amazing light filled studio in Melbourne. The sessions will run for 25 minutes and you will be supplied with 20 hi res images and 1 GIANT poster! You can see how big the poster is below.
See, HUGE!
The sessions will be run on Saturday 8 June from 9am. To book and for more info please get in touch with us here. We are looking to run these in other cities too, so if you are keen, pop us a line! x